Abram could have given up. He could have decided that he didn't want to wait on God anymore. (He did eventually make a mess of things when he tried to fulfill God's promise on his own by having a child with Hagar.) At this point in the story, however, he chose to believe. If only he had continued to hang on to that belief.
WHAT ANSWER FROM GOD ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Is it the answer to a prayer for the return of a rebellious child...for the salvation of a family member...restoration in your marriage...a job....healing...provision?
Whatever it is, keep on praying and waiting. Release it into God's hands and let Him do it in His way and His time. His answer will be worth the wait.
PRAYER: Dear God, help me have faith enough to believe You will answer my prayers. Give me the patience to wait for the answers to appear. Keep me from giving up and taking matters into my own hands. Instead, enable me to trust that You have heard my prayers and will answer in Your perfect way and time. Help me to rest in peace during times of waiting."