So, our prayers include topics such as government, our community, drugs, churches, children, marriages, news items, etc - we don't know where He will lead but when we are done, we are absolutely certain that He has led our hearts and prayers. It is an awesome time filled with humility, His presence, and overwhelming fulfillment.
"God the Father initiates His will in heaven. When He chooses to do something on earth, He looks for an intercessor who will pray according to His will. God the Father then sends God the Spirit to impress upon that willing person, the one that will stand in the gap, what His will is. That person prays God's will, as it has been revealed to him, back to the Father.
God the Father then takes action. Sometimes that action is independent of the intercessor, and sometimes it comes through the intercessor.
This whole process is called the Circle of Intercession. 'EFFECTIVE PRAYER IS A QUARTET - THE FATHER, THE SON, THE SPIRIT, AND THE CHRISTIAN.' (Anonymous)"
Ezekiel 22:30 always shakes me up a bit and hurts my heart where the Lord declared:
“I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one..."
May we be "that willing person" and make ourselves available to Him! It takes such little time and effort on our part and is such an important part of our life purpose as His children.
God bless you and yours!