Read Acts 2:42-47
"...We can be devoted to prayer in that same way [as the early believers] as well. From the time we get up in the morning to when we go to bed at night, we always have a direct and open line to God. At any time we want, we can talk to God and He will hear and respond.
Devotion to prayer means we are ready and willing to talk to God in Jesus' name whenever and wherever we feel the need to approach His throne. If we wake up in the middle of the night, we can ask God if there is somebody who needs prayer right then. Wherever we are, at any time of day or night, for whatever needs God brings to mind, we can pray knowing God will hear and answer. That's devotion to prayer. That's how to make talking to God a priority.
Dear God...enable me to maintain that direct line to You by praying constantly and devotedly as You bring things to my mind that need to be covered in prayer. Amen."
The Lord bless you abundantly as you seek to hear from Him and pray His heart over people and situations that He reveals to you.
Love & Prayers!