"In Haggai's time, the people had been returned to their land after exile in Babylon. But instead of getting down to work rebuilding their spiritual lives by rebuilding God's temple, they were more concerned with the condition of their own homes, more concerned with how they looked to others than with the time they spent in communion with God.
It is a warning to us to not be concerned with outward appearances and selfish pursuits, but rather to be concerned with the condition of our hearts and the things that touch the heart of God.
Haggai had stern words for his people. He admonished them to get their priorities straight! We too have to always place God first in our lives and remember that any work we attempt for Him without His blessing and guidance will be unproductive. Our material possessions will not satisfy us like He will.
Don't allow anything to keep you from your daily prayer time. Do whatever it takes to be with God. Ask Him to help you not neglect your relationship with Him. What you do in the Spirit - your praise, worship, and prayer - lasts for eternity."
PRAYER: "God, help me to not be concerned with outward appearances, selfish pursuits, and the condition of my own house, but rather to be concerned with spiritual growth, unselfish service, and the condition of Your house. I want to always have my priorities in order so that my walk with You continues to grow closer and deeper."