The following quote is so beautifully written. I hope it challenges you this week to “remain in Him” and strive to grow closer and know Him more. God bless you as you apply this valuable teaching to your everyday life and see the fruit of it in your prayers! ....
Read John 15:1-11
“Eleven times the word, REMAIN is used in this short section. Eleven times Jesus chose this term to express the kind of relationship He wants us to have with Him. We are to remain in Christ. We are to remain in His love. If we do that, He will remain in us, His words will remain in us, and our lives will be fruitful.
So what does it mean to remain in Jesus? It means walking with Him and staying close and constantly plugged into Him, just like a branch remains with the vine. When a branch is part of the vine, it bears fruit. Conversely, when a branch is removed from the vine, it dies. Jesus says that if we remain in Him – spend time with Him, learn more about Him, get to know Him, be honest with Him, acknowledge our sins to Him – then we’ll bear much fruit.
Jesus wants us to know His Word and allow it to become part of us. That means we need to be reading the Bible so that His words will be woven into the fabric of our being. We must know it so well that it becomes our guide, a source of renewal and knowledge of God’s will. We must let it increase our understanding of who God is and who we are in Him.
God says if we remain in Him and let His words remain in us, we can ask of Him whatever we want and He will answer. That doesn’t mean we will always get whatever we want. It means that because we are so closely entwined with Christ, we will have His mind and will learn how to pray for what He wants for our lives. When we do that, we end up doing His will and seeing answers to our prayers.”