As you watch this 2-minute video, remember that the Lord develops the Pioneering Spirit in us as we seek Him and make ourselves available to Him for His purpose. Take some time and read Exodus 3:9 to 4:17 which describes Moses’ struggle and insecurities when the Lord said, “So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my ....
Moses was humble and frightened, but counted on the Lord for all that he needed to complete what the Lord set before Him. The truth is that the Lord wants us totally dependent upon Him so He can fully use us as His vessel. If we are strong and dependent upon ourselves and not Him, we will create something that is not of Him but of our flesh and desires.
So, don’t be afraid to step out for the Lord, whether in prayer or other service for Him. But, as you do, be certain that your heart is in line with His and that you abide in Him always, each and every day. As you do, He will guide and equip you with a Pioneering Spirit to complete your assignment for His Kingdom purpose. You will be amazed and fulfilled! To God be the glory!
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I know that I cannot accomplish what you have called me to do and that only Your Spirit will enable me to complete what you ask of me. I surrender to your purpose and ask for Your Spirit to fill me anew and equip me to obey and follow your perfect plan for my life. I praise you and thank you for your guidance and blessings! Love & Prayers, Pat