I've been thinking about persevering prayer lately, especially in relation to the new year. I was wondering how many of us have carried forward our requests from last year and continue to bring them to the Lord.
It is so important that we keep on keeping on, even ...
Andrew Murray wrote: "Our great danger in this school of the answer delayed, is the temptation to think that, after all, it may not be God's will to give us what we ask. If our prayer be according to God's Word, and under the leading of the Spirit, let us not give way to these fears.
Let us learn to give God time. God needs time with us. If we only give Him time, that is, time in the daily fellowship with Himself, for Him to exercise the full influence of His presence on us, and time, day by day, in the course of our being kept waiting, for faith to prove its reality and to fill our whole being, He Himself will lead us from faith to vision; we shall see the glory of God. Let no delay shake your faith."
As we're now barely into the new year, could we make a fresh commitment to give Him more time in our day? Could we look at our schedule and see where we could take time to fellowship with Him? We know that the power and impact of our prayers are dependent upon our time with Him but it is so much more than just that. Our time with Him molds us into who He wants us to be, equips us to do what He calls us to do, and provides the wisdom, strength, peace, and guidance we need to live the full abundant life.
Oh, there is so much more awaiting us in our prayer closets...in 2015! Let's commit to spending more time in His presence. Let's fully receive from Him all that He has for us there.
If we do that, a year from now we can look back and see how we have grown more into His image and purpose for our lives. That's a great thing!