A few days ago I heard that something which I had been praying for approximately 10 years had come about. My prayer was answered!
To be honest, there were times when I wondered and doubted that the situation would be resolved. Was I praying incorrectly? Was I in sin? Was I praying out of God's will?
It is good to use those times to ask such questions to ensure that we are indeed praying God's will in a situation. That is also how God uses times of waiting and persevering to also work on US and make us more mature.
The English preacher, George Mueller, who was one of the greatest men of faith in Christian history wrote these words about praying: “The great point is never to give up until the answer comes. I have been praying for 63 years and 8 months for one man’s conversion. He is not saved yet, but he will be. How can it be otherwise? I am praying.”
When George Mueller died, the man was not saved. But as they lowered Muller’s casket into the ground, he repented of his sins and trusted Jesus as his savior. Now, that is an answer to persistent praying!
So, my hope and prayer is that you are encouraged and filled with renewed hope and faith to continue to pray and not give up!
Remember: “P.U.S.H.”- Pray Until Something Happens!