TOPIC: Prayer Grows Love in Your Heart - 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 (The Power of Praying through the Bible, p. 359)
2 Corinthians 9:14 And in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you, because of the surpassing grace God has given you.
“It is a powerful thing when we pray for one another. Every time we pray for someone, we feel more connected to them. It is exactly as Paul said – your heart goes out to the person you are praying for. That’s because God gives us His heart for them.”
Isn’t that amazing! We often ask for God to reveal His heart to us and even for us to have His heart and here we learn an important truth of how the Lord reveals and shares His heart with us. Praying for others is a vital part of us growing more Christlike.
“That’s why praying for our enemies is a good thing. It not only softens our hearts, but it opens a door for them to hear God and for their heart to be changed. When there are people we are angry with and don’t feel like praying for at all, if we will make ourselves pray for them, even though we don’t feel they deserve it, walls will come down and forgiveness will happen.
Intercessory prayer [praying for others] is powerful on many levels. It not only influences situations and people, it changes US in the very process. If there a difficult person for whom you need to pray? Has someone hurt you? Ask God to help you pray for them. When you do, He will work love in your heart for them, which will ultimately be to your greatest blessing. Only God can cause love to grow in your heart when there is none. Only God can bring to life love that has died. It happens as we pray for that person.
PRAYER: Lord, there are certain people I want to pray for because I know You will give me Your heart of love for them. Help me to pray especially for the people who have hurt me. Thank You that praying for others not only changes their lives, but it changes mine as well.”